
Which Users Are the Most Active?

The insights provided under Which Users Are the Most Active are tracked automatically. The more you know about your users, the better equipped you will be to make smart choices about how to create more meaningful and engaging experiences. MIKROS provides you with many pieces of information to help you understand the behavior and interests of your users as they interact with your product. Standard metrics include the number of users, the classification of users, and user sessions.

Whatever activities a user performs in the time of a product is counted as a single session. If the same user returns to your app a few days later, that becomes another session. It is possible that a user may check your app several different times in a week, which amounts to several sessions. A session can expire; hence, a single user can have multiple sessions on the same day, different days, weeks, or months. Sessions are actions taken within a particular time interval. They give you insights into how well your product is performing.

Shortlist of KPIs and Insights

KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Description
Activity Score The Activity Score is a metric that distinguishes casual gamers from hardcore gamers. To learn more click here.
Average Session Time A session in MIKROS is a group of interactions recorded when a user interacts with your app. MIKROS captures true app usage, which means that if a user opens and closes your app immediately, a session will not be recorded. Sessions only count when users take action in your product.
Average User Activity Score The average Activity Score for all users of your app.
Recently Acitve Users Users who have played the game in the past 30 days.
Total Casual Users Casual gamers enjoy games without investing significant time to it, playing spontaneously, irregularly, or infrequently.
Total Core Users Core gamers have a wider range of interests than casual gamers. And are more likely to enthusiastically play different types of games, but without the amount of time spent and sense of competition of a Legendary gamer.
Total Legendary Users Legendary gamers, otherwise known as hardcore gamers, devote a large amount of their leisure time to gaming. Because of their long lifetime value, this audience is a much sought after type of gamer.
Total Session Time The total session time.
Total Sessions The total number of sessions within a particular time interval.
Total Users The total number of users in your app.

User Details

Honoring user privacy is valuable to us. We do this in a number of ways, one being anonymizing the identity of all users. MIKROS does not provide, nor will you be able to figure out any identifiable information about your users. This is purposeful to protect user privacy, but also added because those sorts of specifics are not necessary from a data analysis perspective. All that is important are the attributes of your users, and we help you with that. The attributes that we provide you range from characteristics, interests, behaviors, habits and more.

Shortlist of User Details

KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Description
Activity Score The user specific Activity Score, telling you whether the user is a casual gamer, hardcore gamer or other. To learn more click here.
Age The age of the user. Only available if the user willingly shares this information on their MIKROS User Profile. You do not receive an exact age, rather you are made aware of an age range.
Average Gameplay Time The average amount of time the user plays your product. Gameplay time should not be confused with sessions. Sessions may or may not be a full recording of time spent in your app, because MIKROS only counts sessions if the user has performed meaningful actions in your product. This means that if a user opens your app, and then a few seconds later closes your app, this will not be counted as a session. However, those few seconds will be recorded as gameplay time.
Average Session Time The average session time the user records in your product.
Favorite Content List of content the user enjoys e.g. pirates, cats, ghosts or other.
Favorite Gameplay Type List of the type of gameplay style the user enjoys e.g. hyper-casual, casual, competitive.
Favorite Genre List of genres the user enjoys e.g. rpg, ccg, puzzle, racing, social or other.
Favorite Purchase Items List of favorite in-game purchases e.g. currency, character, character skin, cosmetic, weapon, armor, level unlock, content unlock, time reduction, bundle or other.
Gender The gender of the user. Only available if the user willingly shares this information on their MIKROS User Profile.
Location The location of the user (city, state).Only available if the user willingly shares this information on their MIKROS User Profile.
Reputation Score The user specific Reputation Score, telling you whether that user is a hacker, troll or other. MIKROS also offers options and suggestions for how to deal with this type of user. To learn more click here.
Spending Score The user specific Spending Score, telling you whether that user is a spender or non-spender. To learn more click here.
Tendency Score The user specific Tendency Score, telling you the propensity that user has towards enjoying your product and spending any significant time in it. To learn more click here.
Total Apps Installed The total number of apps that user has ever installed. This includes apps outside of your product line.
Total Apps Owned The total number of apps that user owns. This includes apps outside of your product line.
Total Apps Uninstalled The total number of apps that user has uninstalled. This includes apps outside of your product line. We do not count uninstallation for the same app multiple times. So, if any user uninstalls the same app multiple times, it is still counted only once.
Total Gameplay Time The total time the user has spent in all of their apps. This includes not only your app(s), but all apps the user plays.
Total Session Time The total session time spent in your product.