
Which Users Are the BIG Spenders?

Some of the insights provided under Which Users Are the BIG Spenders are tracked automatically. MIKROS provides you with the most powerful analytics and insights about users spend. You will know which users have money, how users are spending their money, users spending history, what in-game items are purchased most and more. Gaining visibility of revenue generated is key to making smarter decisions and saving costs.

Code Tip: To learn more about how to track user spending, click here.

Shortlist of KPIs and Insights

KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Description
Average Spend Per User The average amount of money spent per user.
Average Time Between Purchase The average amount of time between purchases.
Average User Spending Score The average Spending Score for all users of your app.
Lapsed Spenders Users who have made a purchase previously but has not done so again in more than 30 days.
Most Popular Purchases The most popular purchase amount in dollars, and the quantity of that purchase.
Number of Spenders Chart shows the number of spenders over time.
Percentage of Paying Users The percentage of spenders.
Recent Spenders Number of users who have made a purchase within the last 7 days.
Revenue Chart shows revenue over time.
Spending Breakdown Chart shows the percentage of spenders and non-spenders over time.
Spending Score The user specific Spending Score, telling you whether that user is a spender or non-spender. To learn more click here
Total Guppy Users Guppies are gamers who spend money unpredictably, not very often, or not at all.
Total Paying Users The total number of spenders.
Total Purchase Amount The total amount of revenue earned from all purchases.
Total Shark Users Shark gamers spend occasionally.
Total Transactions The total number of transactions.
Total Whale Users Whales are the biggest spenders. They make up the group of gamers that drive most of the revenue for games.
User Purchases Chart shows the percent breakdown of user purchases. You can see exactly what users are purchasing by category.